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Archive Title:

Department of the National Library Archive

Link to Archive or Database:



National libraries play an important role in the preservation and introduction of the national cultural product. Many countries have realized the importance of having a national library. In fact, some countries went as far as to consider it a national necessity and placed it on top of their cultural priorities. In addition, there is a widespread recognition by countries, including Jordan, that preserving and facilitating access to information, protection of copyright as well as Intellectual Property, are forming the cornerstones for proper administration, development, and progress.

One of the most important tasks of the National Library is introducing the national cultural product as well as keeping documents and maintaining them. The National Archives hold more than one million documents. Directorate of Documents and Documentation has the role of collecting documents and photographs from all sources whether government or personal. In addition the Department supervises documents destruction process undertaken by government entities in accordance to The Prime Minister circulation and the retention of documents of national and historical significance.

– taken from the Department of the National Library Archive website

Time Period:


Content Type(s):

Government and official records; Periodicals; Photos prints and drawings

